🧪Active explorer

Server members who own an Explorer's Pass Ticket and have linked their wallet using homeycomb on the Discord server Evil World NFT:

You will need this NFT to travel to a dark and dangerous planet. The Explorer's Pass Ticket will also give its holder access to some exclusive drops, raffles, and sales in the future.

How do I get the role?

At the moment this role can only be obtained through the purchase of an Explorer's Pass Ticket. If you are the lucky owner of this NFT, you will need to:

  • Go to the 🐝honeycomb channel

  • Write .wallets set [your WAX/Anchor address]

If you've never used this bot on another server before, check out this article that will definitely help you: https://teletype.in/@jimbo_nft/guide_honeycomb_wax

Within an hour the bot will give you the role of 🧪 Active explorer.

Last updated